Sadhguru says that You are the one witness of everything, and are always free. The cause of your bondage is that you see the witness as something other than yourself.

Article | Bolpur | January 28, 2024
Sadhguru: The Ashtavakra Gita is a profound spiritual scripture in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta. It is a timeless dialogue between Sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka, embodying the essence of non-dualistic philosophy. Unlike texts steeped in ritualistic practices or elaborate metaphysical constructs, the Ashtavakra Gita offers direct and penetrating insights into the nature of self, reality, and liberation.
This article delves into the unique philosophy of the Ashtavakra Gita, its historical and cultural significance, the depth of its teachings, and its relevance in the modern quest for self-realization.
Historical and Cultural Context
The Ashtavakra Gita is believed to have originated in ancient India, though its precise date and author remain a matter of scholarly debate. Sage Ashtavakra, the central figure, is a revered sage in Indian spiritual literature. According to legend, he was born with eight physical deformities (ashta meaning eight, vakra meaning bent or crooked), which symbolize the illusory nature of physical identity and worldly judgments.
The story unfolds in the court of King Janaka, a philosopher-king known for his wisdom and detachment. Dissatisfied with conventional teachings, Janaka seeks the ultimate truth from Ashtavakra. Their dialogue forms the essence of the Ashtavakra Gita.
Unlike the Bhagavad Gita, which emphasizes karma (action), devotion, and knowledge as paths to liberation, the Ashtavakra Gita takes a more radical approach. It dismisses all dualities and advocates for a direct realization of the self as pure consciousness, beyond the trappings of mind, body, and external reality.
Core Teachings of the Ashtavakra Gita
The teachings of the Ashtavakra Gita revolve around Advaita (non-duality), emphasizing the idea that the self (Atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman) are one. Below are the key principles discussed in the scripture:
1. The Nature of the Self
The Ashtavakra Gita unequivocally declares that the true self is neither the body nor the mind but pure, unchanging consciousness.
You are not the body, nor is the body yours. You are not the doer nor the enjoyer. You are pure awareness, the witness of all things.
This statement dismantles the identification with the ego and physicality, urging the seeker to recognize their true essence as infinite awareness.
2. Freedom from Dualities
The text repeatedly challenges the seeker to transcend opposites such as pleasure and pain, success and failure, and good and evil. These dualities, it argues, are mere illusions of the mind.
Where there is no 'I,' there is no bondage, no liberation, no duality. You are beyond both, ever free.
This teaching resonates with the concept of nirguna brahman (the formless, attributeless reality) in Advaita Vedanta.
3. Effortless Liberation
One of the most revolutionary aspects of the Ashtavakra Gita is its insistence that liberation is not something to be attained through effort, as it is the very nature of the self.
The self is ever free. You are the witness, the unchanging essence. Simply know this and be free.
Unlike other spiritual traditions that prescribe elaborate practices, the Ashtavakra Gita advocates a spontaneous realization of one's true nature.
4. Renunciation of Attachment
The text emphasizes inner renunciation rather than external abandonment of worldly duties or possessions. It suggests that true detachment lies in understanding the impermanence of worldly phenomena.
The one who knows that happiness and sorrow, birth and death are of the mind, and not of the self, is free.
This teaching harmonizes spiritual realization with living in the world, making it a practical guide for householders and ascetics alike.
The Dialogic Structure: A Teacher-Disciple Relationship
The dialogic structure of the Ashtavakra Gita mirrors the guru-shishya (teacher-student) dynamic, a cornerstone of Indian spiritual traditions. King Janaka’s humility and openness to learning serve as an ideal model for seekers.
Ashtavakra’s teachings are uncompromisingly direct, aiming to shatter Janaka’s mental constructs. For instance:
When Janaka inquires about liberation, Ashtavakra responds by pointing out that the king’s very question arises from ignorance of his true nature.
Ashtavakra often uses paradoxes to nudge Janaka into realizing the futility of intellectual understanding, urging him to embrace the experiential awareness of non-duality.
Relevance in Modern Times
In today’s fast-paced, materialistic world, the Ashtavakra Gita offers a radical departure from conventional paradigms of success, happiness, and identity. Its teachings encourage individuals to explore the following:
1. Self-Inquiry as a Tool for Peace
Amid the noise of modern life, the Ashtavakra Gita invites us to pause and ask, Who am I? This self-inquiry can lead to profound inner stillness, even amidst external chaos.
2. Freedom from Over-Identification
By teaching that the self is neither the body nor the mind, the text offers a way to break free from societal pressures, self-imposed limitations, and mental distress.
3. Living in Awareness
The Ashtavakra Gita emphasizes living in the present moment, fully aware of one’s true nature. This practice aligns with mindfulness and meditation, widely recognized today for their mental and physical health benefits.
4. Detachment in a Consumerist Culture
In a world driven by consumption and competition, the text’s call for inner detachment serves as a counterbalance, fostering contentment and simplicity.
Contrasts with Other Spiritual Texts
While the Ashtavakra Gita shares thematic similarities with texts like the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, its radical non-dualism sets it apart.
The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the paths of karma (action), bhakti (devotion), and jnana (knowledge), offering a more integrative approach to liberation.
The Upanishads delve into the metaphysical nature of reality but often embed their teachings within ritualistic and symbolic frameworks.
The Ashtavakra Gita, however, cuts through all layers of complexity, presenting a direct, experiential realization of truth as the sole path to liberation.
Critiques and Interpretations
Some critics argue that the Ashtavakra Gita’s radical approach might alienate beginners on the spiritual path. Its dismissal of effort and practice can be misinterpreted as a call to passivity.
However, proponents suggest that the text is best suited for advanced seekers who are ready to transcend intellectual understanding and embrace experiential realization.
Conclusion: A Path Beyond Paths
The Ashtavakra Gita is not merely a spiritual text but a profound mirror that reflects the seeker’s true self. Its teachings, though ancient, resonate with timeless relevance, offering a path beyond paths to those yearning for ultimate freedom.
For those who are prepared to let go of preconceived notions and embrace the infinite, the Ashtavakra Gita serves as a guiding light. It reminds us that liberation is not a destination but the ever-present truth of our being.
In the words of Ashtavakra:
You are the one witness of everything, and are always free. The cause of your bondage is that you see the witness as something other than yourself.
This wisdom, simple yet profound, continues to inspire seekers across generations to realize their eternal nature.