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Nigam Tantra Empowers Sadhaks to Attain Ease over Greed

Writer's picture: SadhguruSadhguru

Sadhguru says Nigam Tantra dissolves the restlessness of desire, replacing it with the serenity of self-realization and the grace of ease.

Article | July 11, 2002

Sadhguru: In our modern society, the tension between greed and ease has grown more palpable than ever. These two powerful forces often seem to sit at opposite ends of human experience, pulling us in divergent directions. Greed, a force of accumulation and desire, drives many of our actions, while ease—found in simplicity, contentment, and inner peace—seems to slip through our grasp, especially in a world fixated on material success. This struggle isn't unique to contemporary life; it has been a timeless dilemma explored in spiritual traditions for millennia. Nigam Tantra, a profound branch of Tantra that focuses on the Vedic scriptures, offers deep insights and practical pathways for sadhaks (spiritual aspirants) to attain ease, liberating themselves from the clutches of greed.

Greed is the hunger that multiplies with every bite; ease is the satisfaction that comes from within when you no longer seek to consume the world.

The Nature of Greed

Greed is a deep-seated human tendency that emerges from desire—the desire for more, be it wealth, power, success, recognition, or pleasure. It is insatiable by nature. Once a person tastes success or gains something they desire, the hunger for more grows exponentially. Greed thrives on accumulation, constantly seeking external validation, material objects, and sensory pleasures to fill an internal void.

Philosophically, greed is rooted in the illusion that external achievements or possessions can provide lasting satisfaction. It creates a dependency on the material world, leading individuals to believe that their happiness and well-being are contingent on their ability to control, own, and amass. Greed, thus, is a form of bondage—enslaving the human soul by keeping it fixated on the outside world.

This addiction to more breeds anxiety, competition, restlessness, and a perpetual sense of lack. Even when we obtain what we want, greed renders us incapable of feeling truly fulfilled, as it continually raises the stakes, shifting the goalposts farther away.

Nigam Tantra teaches that true wealth is not in accumulation but in the wisdom of contentment.

The Concept of Ease

Ease, in contrast, represents a state of natural alignment with life, a balance between our internal and external worlds. It’s not just the absence of stress or difficulty, but rather a deeper state of harmony where one is content with the present moment. Ease emerges when a person is no longer attached to their desires, but instead finds peace in simplicity, surrender, and acceptance.

Ease does not imply complacency or laziness. On the contrary, it is a highly conscious state where one's actions flow effortlessly because they are aligned with a higher truth. The person at ease is not driven by ambition or fear but by a deep connection to their inner self and the universe. This state of ease enables individuals to live more consciously, navigate challenges with grace, and experience life with clarity and purpose.

In the silence of the mind, where greed cannot enter, ease blooms effortlessly, like a lotus rising from still waters.

Greed and Ease in the Context of Nigam Tantra

Nigam Tantra, a form of spiritual practice rooted in the ancient Vedic texts (Nigamas), provides powerful tools to help sadhaks move from the restless pursuit of greed to the serene state of ease. Nigam Tantra emphasizes knowledge, devotion, and the internalization of divine principles, offering a structured pathway to liberation (moksha).

In Nigam Tantra, greed is seen as a manifestation of the ego’s insatiable desires—an attachment to the material plane that binds individuals to the cycle of birth and death (samsara). The Vedas and Nigam Tantric teachings suggest that greed arises from a fundamental ignorance of one’s true nature, mistaking the temporary and fleeting world for the eternal and infinite self.

The sadhak is encouraged to go beyond the surface-level cravings of the mind and discover the soul’s true purpose, which is not to accumulate but to realize its divine nature. Nigam Tantra offers meditative practices, rituals, and knowledge that empower the practitioner to rise above materialism, dispelling ignorance and leading to a state of ease.

To conquer greed, one must first realize that what we seek outside already exists in infinite abundance within.

The Core Principles of Nigam Tantra

To understand how Nigam Tantra empowers sadhaks to attain ease, it's essential to delve into its core principles. Nigam Tantra integrates various aspects of spiritual philosophy, ritualistic practice, and psychological discipline. Here are some of its key tenets:

  1. Jñana (Knowledge) and Vairagya (Detachment): The foundation of Nigam Tantra lies in the pursuit of knowledge—spiritual knowledge that reveals the true nature of reality. Through the study of the Vedas, Upanishads, and other Nigam scriptures, the sadhak is encouraged to understand the illusory nature of the world (Maya) and the impermanence of material pleasures. This realization naturally leads to vairagya, or detachment, where the individual no longer clings to external objects, desires, or accomplishments. Detachment doesn’t mean renouncing the world but rather transcending attachment to it.

  2. Self-Discipline and Tapas: Nigam Tantra places great emphasis on tapas or spiritual discipline. Tapas include meditative practices, fasting, and self-restraint, which help to purify the mind and body. By disciplining the mind and senses, the sadhak weakens the grip of greed and gradually shifts towards a state of ease, where desires no longer dictate actions.

  3. Karma Yoga and Nishkama Karma: One of the profound teachings in Nigam Tantra is the concept of karma yoga—performing one's duties without attachment to the fruits of action. This is known as nishkam karma. Greed drives people to act out of self-interest, hoping for specific outcomes. Nigam Tantra teaches the sadhak to perform all actions as offerings to the divine, with no concern for personal gain. This practice cultivates ease, as one no longer anxiously waits for results but trusts in the natural unfolding of life.

  4. Bhakti (Devotion): Another pillar of Nigam Tantra is bhakti or devotion to the divine. By cultivating a deep sense of love and surrender to the supreme, the sadhak dissolves the ego-driven desires that fuel greed. In a state of devotion, the practitioner becomes content with whatever life brings, finding ease in the divine presence.

  5. Pranayama and Meditation: Nigam Tantra emphasizes the use of pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation to still the restless mind. Greed agitates the mind with constant cravings, while pranayama helps bring balance and calmness, leading the sadhak towards ease. Meditation, especially on sacred mantras or the divine form, helps one transcend the ego and merge into the state of pure awareness, where greed has no foothold.

Greed is an illusion that promises fulfilment but delivers emptiness. Ease is the truth that arises when we stop chasing and start being.

The Transformation of the Sadhak: From Greed to Ease

Through the consistent application of Nigam Tantric practices, a profound transformation begins to take place within the sadhak. Greed, which once dominated the mind, starts to lose its hold. This transformation is not a sudden occurrence but a gradual process that deepens over time.

  1. Purification of Desires: Initially, the sadhak may still experience desires, but through jñana (spiritual knowledge) and self-discipline, these desires begin to purify. Instead of being driven by selfish motives, the sadhak starts to channel desires towards spiritual growth and the well-being of others. This shift in intention gradually lessens the sense of greed.

  2. Contentment (Santosh): As the sadhak advances, a natural sense of contentment, or santosh, begins to arise. Contentment is one of the key practices in Nigam Tantra, and it is said to be a state of inner fulfilment that comes from realizing the self as whole and complete. The more the sadhak taps into this inner contentment, the less they are driven by the need for external accumulation. Ease follows naturally when one is content.

  3. Inner Peace and Freedom: Over time, as the mind becomes less attached to material possessions and desires, a profound sense of inner peace emerges. This peace is the hallmark of ease—a state where the sadhak feels aligned with the flow of the universe. The bondage of greed dissolves, leaving behind a sense of freedom and lightness.

  4. Oneness with the Divine: Ultimately, Nigam Tantra guides the sadhak towards a realization of their oneness with the divine. In this state of union, there is no separation between the self and the universe. The sadhak realizes that all desires are merely the play of the ego, and true fulfilment lies in the awareness of one’s divine essence. Greed is seen as a distortion of this truth, while ease represents the effortless joy of being in tune with the divine.

Practical Steps for Sadhaks to Attain Ease through Nigam Tantra

While the philosophical teachings of Nigam Tantra provide a framework for understanding greed and ease, it is through practice that these insights become transformative. Here are practical steps sadhaks can take to shift from a state of greed to a state of ease:

  1. Daily Meditation: Begin each day with meditation, focusing on calming the mind and observing your desires without judgment. As the mind becomes still, the grip of greed begins to loosen.

  2. Practice Vairagya: Throughout the day, practice detachment by observing your thoughts and actions. Whenever you feel the pull of greed or desire, remind yourself of the impermanence of material things and the deeper fulfilment that comes from within.

  3. Serve Selflessly (Karma Yoga): Engage in acts of service without expecting any personal reward. This could be as simple as helping a friend or contributing to your community. Each act of selflessness weakens the ego and cultivates ease.

  4. Chant Sacred Mantras: Nigam Tantra places great importance on the power of sound and vibration. Chanting sacred mantras can help purify the mind and align your consciousness with higher energies, reducing the influence of greed.

  5. Live Simply: Cultivate a lifestyle of simplicity. This doesn’t mean renouncing all material possessions, but rather approaching life with mindfulness and minimalism. The less you are attached to material things, the easier it is to experience ease.

  6. Develop Gratitude: Practice gratitude for what you already have. Greed thrives on a sense of lack, but when you consciously appreciate the abundance in your life, the need for more diminishes, and ease takes its place.


The battle between greed and ease is a fundamental aspect of the human experience, but it is one that can be transcended. Nigam Tantra, with its rich spiritual heritage, provides sadhaks with the knowledge, practices, and wisdom needed to overcome greed and attain ease. By following the path of Nigam Tantra, sadhaks learn to detach from material desires, align themselves with divine principles, and discover the inner contentment that leads to true freedom.

In a world where the forces of greed are constantly pulling us outward, Nigam Tantra offers a path of return to the self, where ease is not something to be attained, but something that naturally arises when we live in harmony with our true nature. This journey from greed to ease is not just a personal one, but a journey that has the potential to transform the world around us as well.

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