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Enlightenment is the Infinite Journey Beyond Destination by Avdhut

Writer's picture: SadhguruSadhguru

Article | August 31, 2024

Enlightenment is a term that has intrigued and inspired countless individuals across cultures and epochs. It is often perceived as a final destination—an ultimate goal where the seeker reaches a state of complete liberation and understanding. However, this perception of enlightenment as a fixed endpoint does not fully capture its profound essence. Enlightenment is not a destination but rather a state of being, an ongoing process where the mind dissolves into the infinite, and the soul awakens to its eternal essence. This article delves deeply into the concept of enlightenment as an experiential state rather than a concrete goal, exploring its dimensions through spiritual philosophies, mystical experiences, and personal transformation.

The Illusion of Destination: Reconceiving Enlightenment

The Concept of Destination in Spiritual Contexts

Traditionally, enlightenment has been portrayed as a final achievement, a summit of spiritual or philosophical attainment. This notion is often depicted in religious texts, spiritual teachings, and philosophical doctrines as a state of ultimate realization or perfection. In Buddhism, for example, Nirvana is sometimes seen as the ultimate goal, a state where suffering ceases, and liberation is attained. Similarly, in Hinduism, Moksha represents the release from the cycle of rebirth and union with the divine.

This portrayal can lead to the misconception that enlightenment is a distant goal that can be achieved through a series of practices or milestones. It creates a binary perspective: one is either enlightened or not, with the journey towards enlightenment being a quest for an end state.

Enlightenment as a State of Being

In contrast, viewing enlightenment as a state of being shifts the focus from a final destination to an ongoing process of transformation. This perspective aligns with the idea that enlightenment is not a static achievement but a dynamic experience that involves continual growth, awareness, and integration. It is an evolving state where the individual continually deepens their understanding and connection with their true self and the cosmos.

This approach suggests that enlightenment is not something to be attained but rather something to be realized and experienced in the present moment. It emphasizes the journey of becoming aware of the infinite nature of existence and the eternal essence of the soul.

The Dissolution of the Mind: A Journey into the Infinite

The Nature of the Mind

To understand enlightenment as a state of being, it is essential to explore the nature of the mind and its role in the spiritual journey. The mind, in many spiritual traditions, is seen as the primary obstacle to experiencing true reality. It is filled with thoughts, desires, fears, and conditioning that obscure the awareness of our true nature.

In Buddhism, for instance, the mind is described as a turbulent ocean of thoughts and emotions that create illusions and distractions. The practice of meditation aims to quiet this mind, allowing the practitioner to experience a state of clarity and presence beyond the fluctuations of mental activity. Similarly, in Hinduism, the mind is often compared to a wild horse that must be tamed to achieve inner peace and self-realization.

The Process of Dissolution

The dissolution of the mind refers to the process of transcending the constant chatter of thoughts and the limitations of the ego. This involves moving beyond the dualities of pleasure and pain, success and failure, self and others. As the mind dissolves, the individual experiences a profound sense of unity with the cosmos and an awareness of the infinite nature of existence.

In practices such as deep meditation or contemplative prayer, individuals may experience moments of profound silence where the usual mental activity subsides. These moments offer glimpses into the vastness of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things. It is in these states that the illusion of separation begins to fade, revealing the underlying unity of existence.

Mystical Experiences of Dissolution

Throughout history, mystics and spiritual seekers have reported experiences of the dissolution of the mind. These experiences often involve a sense of merging with the infinite, where individual identity and personal concerns dissolve into a boundless awareness. Such mystical experiences are characterized by feelings of deep peace, oneness, and transcendence.

For example, in the writings of mystics like Rumi or Meister Eckhart, one finds descriptions of an experience of unity with the divine, where the sense of self disappears, and only the divine presence remains. These experiences highlight the profound transformation that occurs when the mind dissolves into the infinite.

Awakening to Eternal Essence: The Soul’s Journey

The Concept of the Soul

The soul, or the essence of the self, is a central concept in many spiritual traditions. It is often described as the eternal, unchanging core of our being, distinct from the temporary experiences and conditions of the material world. In Hinduism, the Atman represents the true self, which is eternal and infinite, beyond birth and death. In Christianity, the soul is seen as the immortal aspect of the self, created in the image of God.

Understanding enlightenment as the awakening to the eternal essence involves recognizing the true nature of the soul. It is a realization that the self is not limited to the physical body, the ego, or the transient experiences of life but is a part of the divine essence that pervades all existence.

The Awakening Process

The process of awakening to the soul’s eternal essence involves a shift in perception from identifying with the mind and body to recognizing oneself as the eternal consciousness. This awakening is often facilitated through spiritual practices such as meditation, contemplation, and self-inquiry. These practices help the individual detach from the transient aspects of self and experience the underlying reality of their being.

In Adwaita Vedanta, for example, the practice of self-inquiry involves asking the question "Who am I?" to explore the nature of the self. Through this process, one gradually realizes that the self is not the body or the mind but the eternal witness of all experiences. This realization leads to a profound sense of freedom and peace, as the individual recognizes their unity with the divine essence.

The Role of Spiritual Teachers

Spiritual teachers and sages play a crucial role in guiding individuals through the process of awakening to their eternal essence. They offer teachings, practices, and insights that help seekers navigate the complexities of the spiritual journey. Through their guidance, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their true nature and experience the transformative power of awakening.

For example, the teachings of Ramana Maharshi on self-inquiry and the nature of the self have helped countless individuals awaken to their true essence. Similarly, the writings of spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle or Adyashanti offer practical insights into the process of awakening and the experience of living from a place of deep awareness.

Integration of Enlightenment in Daily Life

Living the State of Being

Understanding enlightenment as a state of being rather than a destination has profound implications for how one lives their daily life. It suggests that enlightenment is not an extraordinary state reserved for a select few but a natural expression of our true nature that can be integrated into everyday life.

Living from a place of enlightenment involves bringing the awareness of the infinite and the eternal into all aspects of life. It means approaching each moment with presence, compassion, and understanding, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the divine essence that permeates existence.

Challenges and Opportunities

Integrating enlightenment into daily life is not without its challenges. The demands of daily responsibilities, the distractions of modern life, and the conditioning of the mind can all pose obstacles to maintaining a state of awareness. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and practice.

For example, moments of stress or conflict can serve as reminders to return to the state of presence and to see beyond the surface of events. By practising mindfulness and awareness in everyday situations, individuals can deepen their experience of enlightenment and live from a place of greater peace and clarity.

Enlightenment in Ancient Indian Spirituality

Enlightenment is the gateway to the journey to Moksha, the liberation from the cycle of birth and death. This liberation is achieved through the realization of the self’s true nature as Brahman, the ultimate reality. The teachings of Adwaita Philosophy emphasize that this realization is not a future attainment but a recognition of the eternal truth that is always present. Practices such as meditation, devotion, and self-inquiry help individuals awaken to this eternal essence.

One fragment of Nath Sampradaya enlightenment or Nirvana, is the ultimate goal of the spiritual path, representing the cessation of suffering and the realization of the true nature of reality. They feel that only being present can lead you up to Nirvana. It is not a distant goal but an inherent quality that can be realized in the present moment. The practice of mindfulness and meditation helps individuals experience this state of enlightenment, revealing the interconnectedness of all beings and the impermanence of all phenomena.

Some Mystical traditions across various cultures describe experiences of unity with the divine or the infinite. These experiences are characterized by a sense of merging with the eternal and a profound understanding of the nature of reality. Mystical teachings often emphasize that these experiences are not transient events but glimpses into the deeper reality that is always present. The writings of mystics such as Rumi, Hildegard of Bingen, and John of the Cross offer insights into the nature of enlightenment as an ongoing state of awareness and connection.

The Universal Nature of Enlightenment

The Experience of Unity

Enlightenment, as a state of being, transcends cultural, religious, and philosophical boundaries. It is an experience of unity and interconnectedness that is accessible to all beings, regardless of their background or beliefs. The realization of this unity is a universal aspect of the human experience, reflecting the common essence that underlies all existence.

The Role of Personal Experience

While teachings and practices can offer guidance and insight, the experience of enlightenment is ultimately personal and direct. Each individual’s journey is unique, and the realization of enlightenment occurs through direct experience rather than through external validation. This personal experience of awakening reflects the infinite potential of each being to connect with their true essence and experience the boundless nature of reality.


Enlightenment is not a destination but a state of being—a continuous journey of self-discovery and transformation where the mind dissolves into the infinite, and the soul awakens to its eternal essence. It is an ongoing process of realizing the unity of existence, experiencing the boundless nature of consciousness, and integrating this awareness into every aspect of life.

By shifting the focus from enlightenment as a fixed goal to a dynamic state of being, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of the spiritual journey. Enlightenment becomes not a distant achievement but a present reality that can be experienced and realized in each moment. Through this perspective, we can embrace the transformative power of enlightenment and live from a place of profound awareness and connection with the infinite.

In essence, enlightenment is an invitation to experience the boundless nature of our true self and to live from a place of deep harmony with the cosmos. It is a journey of awakening to the eternal essence that lies within and a reminder that the true essence of enlightenment is not a destination but a state of being that is ever-present and accessible to all.

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